時尚美容應用系(以下簡稱本系)於民國九十八年八月一日創系,之初即 訂定明確之發展目標,為因應時尚流行的發展趨勢,並在校院辦學的願景、使 命、定位與目標的引導下,藉由學者專家的建議與產業發展需求下,逐年檢討 並調整發展目標,以使發展目標能與產業需求、未來趨勢、知識發展及技術進 步等四個層面緊密結合。 因應市場趨勢,以醫學美容應用以及整體造型設計為主軸,制定為本 系特色發展,未來結合大樹藥局(全國連鎖企業)發展醫學美容區塊,可形成其 他相關校系所不及的領域,與大樹藥局合作發展高中職產學學院,可為招生帶 來高職生員;本系目前發展有機香皂,採自己研發萃取的香精水,所製造出來的 有機香皂, 亦他校不及之處,整體造型是多數相關系所的主力領域本系積極與 產業界簽訂「策略夥伴關係」,以利學生「證照研習」、「實習」、「就業」; 教師則可「至業界研習」、「深耕服務」;業界主管則可至學校擔任「協同教 學教師及導師」,補強本系教師業具實務經驗之不足,並能厚植學生未來職場 成為初階管理人才。
Established in 2009,the Department of Fashion and Beauty nurturs students for the beauty industry.we are committed to training talented students to blend fashion,creativity,culture,lifestyle and health together and helping them to obtain relevant certificates.profeddion aesthetic medicine and Aromatherapy are dounded in 2015 to meet needs of the increasing demand in the medical aesthetics industry. The former features hair design,cosmetics,nail art,apparel and aroma therapy.In addition to cultivating student’s professional skills,the Department of Beauty and Fashion also develops strong connection and set up internship program with companies in the related industries,aiming to provids students with hands-one experience and better understanding of the market.Between 2011 and 2012,our students participated in numerous competitions,winning 39 prizes from both internal.No external contest, The number went up to 60 in 2013,a recognition of student’s ability and vreativity.
Established in 2009,the Department of Fashion and Beauty nurturs students for the beauty industry.we are committed to training talented students to blend fashion,creativity,culture,lifestyle and health together and helping them to obtain relevant certificates.profeddion aesthetic medicine and Aromatherapy are dounded in 2015 to meet needs of the increasing demand in the medical aesthetics industry. The former features hair design,cosmetics,nail art,apparel and aroma therapy.In addition to cultivating student’s professional skills,the Department of Beauty and Fashion also develops strong connection and set up internship program with companies in the related industries,aiming to provids students with hands-one experience and better understanding of the market.Between 2011 and 2012,our students participated in numerous competitions,winning 39 prizes from both internal.No external contest, The number went up to 60 in 2013,a recognition of student’s ability and vreativity.